Villa Grande DWID
The Villa Grande Domestic Water Improvement District is a Public Water System number PWS #04-11321. The District is located roughly 5 miles northeast of the City of Eloy. The Water District was created by the Pinal County Board of Supervisors on July 14, 1999, with a service area over the east half of Section 28, Township 7 South, Range 8 East except for the north 227 feet thereof. It was designated as a Colonia by the Board of Supervisors on December 1, 1999, making the system eligible for federal financial assistance. The northern boundary of the District is defined by the right-of-way for the Central Arizona Project's Santa Rosa Canal while the southern Boundary is the north right-of-way line for Houser Road. State Route 87 runs along the District's east boundary and Shetland Road defines the District's west boundary. The service area contains roughly 306 acres.
The District owns lots 39-41, and 189 through 194, except the north 140 thereof, together with Tract A in the southeast corner of the service area along Houser Road extending west from State Route 87. These parcels have a collective area of 255976.82 square feet or 5.88 acres with 510 feet of frontage on Houser Road and a depth of 363 feet. These lots along with Tract A constitute the water campus for the District. In addition, the District owns a parcel that lies 1125 feet east of State Route 87 along the north side of Houser Road right-of-way and against the west side of the Union Pacific Rail Road right-of-way within Section 27.
When the District was formed by the County Supervisors in 1999, it was given the assets of the existing for-profit Pinal Water Company including property, wells, equipment and delivery system.
The existing Well No. 1 was located on the current campus while Well No. 2 was situated on the parcel to the east of State Route 87.
A third well was installed by the District in 2007 as part of a USDA Rural Development funded project. It is situated on the north side of Houser Road roughly 425 feet west of Sorrel Road.